Number of Sub-arrays of Size K and Average Greater than or Equal to Threshold, a O(N) blazingly fast solution.
Maximum Points You Can Obtain from Cards (LeetCode 1423). Blazingly fast JS/TS O(K) solution. Data structures and algorithms.
Learn the standard patterns used in real-world Redux/NGRX apps. Understand how to use popular state management libraries.
How to test ActivatedRoute paramMap in Angular, it is really easy, and the trick lies in how to provide a mock implementation.
How to fix NullInjectorError: No provider for ActivatedRoute in Angular Testing. It's a simple fix
This is how I am testing injectQuery method, in Angular tanstack query for now.
Sometimes testing the router services can be tricky as hell, but I have found a way that works pretty well, especially with router.navigate
How do we mock services in Angular when using Jest?
An object oriented language has two very important things: classes and objects. A class is a blueprint for creating objects. What is a class in OOP..
What is Object Oriented Programming? Object-oriented programming aims to implement real-world entities like objects. What are objects in OOP?
Is next.js really using experimental react features? Yes and No. Why am I saying this? Ever heard about React Canary channel? Let's find out.
A type guard is a technique in TypeScript that allows us to determine the type of a variable, usually inside a conditional block. How can you use it?
To create a compelling story, different mechanisms are used, one of them is the camera shake effect.
Staying in our comfort zones is very fun, but what are the consequences and how can we stop that.
Hackers mostly use the command line or the terminal, what is so special about the command line?